While you experience the outputs of our ingenuity – the technology, tools, and services we deliver – at Littler, our innovation begins from within, starting with our culture. It’s what happens behind the scenes, fueled by the talent and drive of our incredible people, that acts as the starting point for it all.
Since 1942, Littler’s pioneering individuals and culture have pushed boundaries and shaped the industry. That has meant approaching innovation as a team, breaking down silos, and putting formal mechanisms in place to bring inspiring new ideas to fruition. At the heart of it all lies a spirit that’s not afraid to do things differently, nor to disrupt what has traditionally been a slow, rigid field.
We recognize that dedication to innovation requires the right infrastructure to make it a reality. That’s why we invest in developing leading IT, data analytics, and application development teams in-house, and why we so heavily embrace data and technology. And it’s why our leading knowledge management team has reimagined their practice – connecting you to our collective knowledge, insights, and services on an intelligent and efficient platform.
At Littler, we are dedicated to continuously innovating in order to create better outcomes for you. These aren’t empty claims: this dedication drives how we approach every aspect of our work, and our firm. Our people. Our investments. Our infrastructure. All working together, to deliver game-changing innovations in our field – and game-changing results for you.